2010 |
September 27 - October 2, 2010
Juelich, Germany |
Prof Dr Hans Stroeher
Tel: +49 2461 614 408
Fax: +49 2461 613 930
Email: h.stroeher@fz-juelich.de
C12.2/10 International Nuclear Physics Conference |
July 4 - 9, 2010
Vancouver BC, Canada |
Jens Dilling
4004 Westbrook Mall
Vancouver BC
Tel: +1 604 222 7413
Fax: +1 604 222 1074
Email: jdilling@triumf.ca
July 19 - 23, 2010
Heidelberg, Germany |
Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo
Tel: +49 6159 71 2750
Fax: +49 6159 71 2990
Email: g.martinez@gsi.de
May 31 - June 4, 2010
Williamsbury, Virginia, USA |
Wally Melnitchouk
Jefferson Lab (Co-chair)
Email: wmelnitc@jlab.org
2009 |
September 5, 2009
Bonn, Germany |
Ulf-G. Meissner
Bonn University
Nussallee 14-16,D-53115 Bonn
Tel: +49 228 732365
Fax +49 228 733728
Email: meissner@itkp.uni-bonn.de
May 26-30,2009, Grand Rapids, Michigan , USA |
David J. Morrissey
RNB8 Conference, D.Morrissey, Chair
Cyclotron Laboratory
Michigan State University
East Lansing , Michigan
USA 48824
Tel: +1 517-333-6321
Fax : +1 517-353-5967
Email: morrissey@nscl.msu.edu
March 30-April 4, 2009 , Knoxville, Tennessee , USA |
Dr. Glenn Young
ORNL Physics Division
MS 6369, P.O. Box 2008
Oak Ridge , TN 37831-6369 , USA
Tel: 865-576-2770
Fax: 865-576-8746
Email: younggr@ornl.gov
2008 |
18th Particle And Nuclei International Conference |
November 9-14,2008
Eilat, Israel |
Itzhak Tserruya, c/o Ms. Ana Weksler
Department of Particle
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot 76100, ISRAEL
Tel : 972-8-934 4052
Fax : 972-8-934 6021
Email: Itzhak.Tserruya@weizmann.ac.il
Website |
The 18th International Spin Physics Symposium |
October 6-11, 2008
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA |
Donald G. Crabb
Physics Department
University of Virginia
Tel: +1 434 924 6790
Fax: +1 434 924 4576
Email: dgc3q@galileo.phys.virginia.edu |
10th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos |
July 27-August 1,2008
Mackinac Island, Michigan, USA |
Hendrik Schatz
Michigan State University
NSCL , 1 Cyclotron Lab
East Lansing, MI 48824
Tel: +1 517 381 8213
Fax: +1 517 333 6397
Email: schatz@nscl.msu.edu
Website |
2007 |
C12.1 International
Conference on Nuclear Physics 2007 |
June 3- 8, 2007
Tokyo, JAPAN |
S. Nagamiya, T.Nagae
KEK, 1-1 Oho
Tsukuba-shi, 305-0801
Phone: +81 29 864 5678
Fax: +81 29 864 5258
Email: shoi.nagamiya@kek.jp
Website |
C12.2 11th International
Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of Hadrons |
September 10-14, 2007
Juelich, GERMANY |
S. Krewald, H. Machner
Institut fuer Kernphysik
Forschungszentrum, D-52425 Juelich
Tel: +49-2461-61-4370 / -4270
Fax: +49-2461-61-3930
Email: s.krewald@fz-juelich.de / h.machner@fz-juelich.de
Website |
C12.3 International
Conference on the Structure of Baryons |
June 11-15
Seoul, KOREA |
Dong-Pil Min / Seonho Choi
Department of Physics
Seoul National University
Seoul 151-747 KOREA
Tel : 82-2-880-9193
Fax : 82-2-884-3002
Email : dpmin@snu.ac.kr / choi@phya.snu.ac.kr Website:
(under construction) |
2006 |
C12.1 IX International
Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions |
Aug. 28 - Sept. 1,2006
Rio de Janiero,BRAZIL |
M.S. Hussein
Instituto de Fisica, Universidade de Sāo Paulo C.P. 66318, 05315-970,
Sāo Paulo, SP
Tel: +55-11-3091-673
Fax: +55-11-3091-7144 |
C12.2 17th Spin
Physics Symposium |
October 2-7, 2006
Kyoto, JAPAN |
K. Imai
Department of Physics
Kyoto University
Kyoto 606-8502
Tel: +81-75-753-3835
Fax: +81-75-753-3887
C12.3 18th International
Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics |
August 21-26, 2006
Sāo Paulo,
L. Tomio & G. Krein
Instituto de Fisica Teórica,
Rua Pamplona 145
Bela Vista, Sāo Paulo, SP
Tel: +55-11-3177-9033
Fax: +55-11-3177-9080
C12.4 Nuclei in
the Cosmos-IX |
June 25-30, 2006
A. Mengoni
CH-1211 Geneva 23
Tel: +41 22 767 9132
Fax: +41 22 767 7555
Website |
C12.5 7th International
Conference on Radioactive Beams |
July 3-7, 2006
Padova, ITALY |
C. Signorini
Dipartimento di Fisica G. Galilei,
Via Marzolo 8
I-35131 Padova
Tel: +39 049 827 7179
Fax: +39 049 876 2641
Website |
2005 |
C12.1 International Conference on Particles and Nuclei 2005 |
October 22-28, 2005
Santa Fe, NM, USA |
Peter D. Barnes, Martin Cooper
PANIC 2005
MS H846, P-25, LANL
Los Alamos, NM,
Tel: +1 505 667 2000
Tel: +1 505 667 2929
Fax: +1 505 665 7920
Email: panic2005@lanl.gov |
2004 |
C12.1 16th International
Spin Physics Symposium (Spin 2004) |
October 10-16, 2004
Trieste, Italy |
Conference Proceedings |
C12.2 International Nuclear Physics Conference INPC2004 |
June 27-July 2, 2004
Goteborg, Sweden |
2003 |
C12.1 17th Int. Conf. on Few-Body Problems in Physics - FBXVII |
June 5, 2003
Durham, NC,
C12.2 Topics in Heavy Ion Collisions - HIC03 |
June 25-28, 2003
Montreal, QC, Canada |
Website |
C12.3 10th Int. Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics - MENU-10 |
July 1-11, 2003
Beijing, China |
Website |
2002 |
C12.1/ 2002 Particles and Nuclei International Conf. - PANIC 02 |
September 30, 2002
Osaka, Japan |
Website |
2001 |
C12.1 Int Conf Nuclear Physics -- INPC 2001 |
July 30-August 1, 2003
Berkeley, CA
Website |
C12.3 16th Int Conf on Cyclotrons and Applications |
May 12, 2001
East Lansing, MI
2000 |
C12.1 16th Int'l. Conf. on Few-Body Problems in Physics -- FBXVI |
March 6-10, 2000
Taipei, Taiwan |
Conference Summary |
C12.2 Int'l. Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics |
March 13, 2000
Adelaide, Australia
Website |
C12.3 14th Int'l. Spin Physics Symposium -- SPIN 2000 |
October 16, 2000
Osaka, Japan |
C12.4 7th Int'l. Conf. on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions |
July 3-7, 2000
Strasbourg, France |
1999 |
C12.1 15th Particles and Nuclei International Conference -- PANIC 99 |
June 10-14, 1999
Uppsala, Sweden |
C12.2 7h Int. Conf on Clustering Aspects in Nuclear structure and Dynamics -- CLUSTER ‘99 |
June 14-19, 1999
Rab, Croatia |
Conference Proceedings |
1998 |
C12.1 Int Conf on Nuclear Physics 1998 -- INPC'98 |
August 24-29, 1998
Paris, France |
Conference Proceedings |
C12.2 15th Int. Conf on Cyclotrons and Their Application |
June 14, 1998
Caen, France |
Conference Proceedings |
C12.3 Exotic Atoms, Molecules and Muon Catalysed Fusion |
July 19-24, 1998
Ascona, Switzerland |
Conference Proceedings |
1997 |
C12.1 2nd International Symposium in Subatomic Physics |
June 25-28, 1997
Seattle, Washington |
C12.2 25th Nuclear Data for Science and Technology |
May 19-24, 1997
Trieste, Italy |
Conference Proceedings |
C12.3 15th International Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics |
July 22-26, 1997
Groningen, The Netherlands |
Conference Proceedings |
1995 |
C12.1 International Conference on Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions in Nuclei |
June 12-16, 1995
Osaka, Japan |
Conference Proceedings |
1994 |
C12.1 5th International Conference on Nucleus - Nucleus Collisions |
May 30-June 4, 1994
Taormina, Italy |
Conference Proceedings |
C12.2 14th International Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics |
May 26-31, 1994
Williamsburg, VI, USA |
Conference Proceedings |
C12.3 7th International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology |
May 9-13, 1994
Gatlinburg, TN, USA |
Conference Proceedings |