1997 Conference Proceedings |
C4.1 25th Intenrational Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC-25)
Durban, South Africa, July 30-Aug. 6, 1997
Title of Proceedings: Proceedings of the 25th International Cosmic Ray Conference
Editor(s): M. S. Potgieter, B. C. Raubenheimer, D. J. van der Walt
Publisher: World Scientific (Singapore)
Price: 200 SA Rands
Info: Vol. 8 of the Proceedings contains the Invited and Highlight Talks (post-conference volume)
Address for Orders: World Scientific (Singapore)
C6.1 The Molecular Biophysics of the Cytoskeleton: Formation, Structure, Function and Interact
Banff, Alberta, Canada, Aug. 25-30, 1997
Title of Proceedings: Biophysics of the Cytoskeleton
Editor(s): J. A. Tuszynski and Y. Engelborghs
C8.1 12th International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems (EP2DS-12)
Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 22-26, 1997
Title of Proceedings: Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems
Editor(s): H. Aoki and S. Komiyama
Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishers BV
Price: ~$105.00 US
Info: Physica B
C8.2 Hot Carriers in Semiconductors - Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics (HCIS-10)
Berlin, Germany, July 28-Aug. 1, 1997
Title of Proceedings: Hot Carriers in Semiconductors - Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics
Editor(s): S. Asche, T. Elsäau;sser, and Vogl
Price: 100+MWST
Address for Orders: Akademieverlag GmbH,
Mülenstr 33-34,
D-13187 Berlin,
C8.3 17th Int'l. Conf. on Amorphous and Microcystalline Semiconductors
Budapest, HUNGARY, August 25-29, 1997
Title of Proceedings: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Amorphous and Microcrystalline Semiconductors - Science and Technology, J. of Non
Crystalline Solids 227-230
Editor(s): S. Kugle and M. Stutzmann
Publisher: North-Holland
C9.1 Int'l. Conf. on Magnetism
Cairns, AUSTRALIA, July 27-August 1, 1997
Title of Proceedings: Special issue of J. Mag. Mag. Mat.
Publisher: Elsevier, North-Holland
C10.2 The Ninth International Meeting on Ferroelectricity (IMF9)
Seoul, Korea, Aug. 24-29, 1997
Title of Proceedings: The 9th International meeting on Ferroelectricity
Editor(s): The Korean Physical Society
Publisher: The Korean Physical Society
Address for Orders: The Korean Physical Society,
635 4 Yuksam-Dong,
Seoul 135-703,
C12.2 Nuclear Data for Science and Technology
Trieste, ITALY, May 19-26, 1997
Title of Proceedings: Nuclear Data for Science and Technology
Editor(s): G. Reffo, A. Ventura, and C. Granoi
Publisher: Italian Physical Society
Price: 400,000 IL
Address for Orders: Italian Physical Society,
Attn. Mrs. C. Vasini,
via Castiglione 101,
I-40136 Bologna,
C12.3 XV Int'l. Conf. on Few Body Problems in Physics
Groningen, THE NETHERLANDS, July 22-26, 1997
Title of Proceedings: Few Body XV
Editor(s): J. C. S. Bacelaar, A. E. L. Dieperink, R. A. Malfliet, and L. P. Kok
Publisher: Nuclear Physics A631 (1998) 1c-820c, ISSN 0375-9474
C14.1 Sixth Interamerican Conference on Physics Education
Córdoba, Argentina, June 28-July 5, 1997
Title of Proceedings: Sixth Interamerican Conference on Physics Education
Editor(s): Alberto Pascual Maiztegui
Publisher: Revista de Enseñanza de la Fisica
Price: ~$20.00 US
Address for Orders: Casilla de Correo 36,
5000 Cordoba,
C14.2 Creativity in Physics Teaching
Sopron Hungary, August 16-22, 1997
Title of Proceedings: Creativity in Physics Teaching
Editors: G. Marx
Publishers: Roland Eötvös, Sopron Hungary
Price: 25 USD
Address for Orders: Roland Eötvös,
Budapest PF 433,
Fö-U 68 Hungary
C15.1 20th International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC)
Wien, Austria, July 23-29, 1997
Title of Proceedings: Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions
Editor(s): Friedrich Aumayr, Hannspeter Winter
Publisher: World Scientific
Price: 132 USD
Address for Orders: World Scientific Publishing,
PO Box 128,
Farrer Road,
C16.1 International Conference on the Physics of Ionized Gases (ICPIG)
Toulouse, France, July 17-22, 1997
Title of Proceedings: Special issue of Journal de Physique
C16.2 7th Latinamerican Workshop on Plasma Physics
Caracas, Venezuela, Jan. 20-31, 1997
Title of Proceedings: Proceedings of VII Latinamerican Workshop on Plasma Physics
Editor(s): Pablo Martin
Publisher: World Scientific (Singapore)
Price: Gratis
Info: (This proceedings does not match the name of the conference.)
Address for Orders: Departamento de Fisica,
Universidad Simon Bolivar,
Apartado Postal 89000, Caracas 1080A,
C16.3 International Topical Conference on Plasma Physics: New Perspectives of Collective Effects
Trieste, Italy, Nov. 10-14, 1997
Title of Proceedings: New Perspectives of Collective Effects
Editor(s): P. K. Shukla, L. Stenflo and R. Bingham
Publisher: Physica Scripta, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Price: $50.00 US
Address for Orders: Physica Scripta,
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,
Box 50005,
S-104 05 Stockholm,
C17.2 13th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy
Hangzhou, P R China, June 2-7, 1997
Title of Proceedings: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy
Editor(s): Zhi-jiang Wang, Zhi-ming Zhang, Yu-Zhu Wang
Publisher: World Scientific
Price: ~$80.00 US
Address for Orders: World Scientific,
PO Box 128,
Farrer Road,
C18.1 12th International Congress of Mathematical Physics
Brisbane, Australia, July 13-19, 1997
Title of Proceedings: 13th International Congress of Mathematical Physics
Editor(s): D. DeWit, A. J. Bracken, M. D. Gould, and P. A. Pearce
Publisher: International Press
Address for Orders: International Press Incorporated,
PO Box 2872,
Cambridge, MA 02238-2872
C19.1 Eighth Marcel Grossmann Meeting
Jerusalem, Israel, June 22-24, 1997
Title of Proceedings: Eighth Marcel Grossman Meeting
Editor(s): Tsui Piran
Publisher: World Scientific
Address for Orders: Tsui Piran,
Racah Institute of Physics,
Hebrew University,
Jerusalem 91804,
C20.1 4th International Conference on Computational Physics (ICCP4)
Singapore, June 4-6, 1997
Title of Proceedings: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Physics (tentative)
Pune, December 16-21, 1997
Title of Proceedings: Gravitation and Relativity: At the turn of the millennium
Editor(s): N. Dadhich and J. Narlikar
Publisher: Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics
Price: 50 USD
Address for Orders: Pune,
c/o Prof. A. Ashtekar,
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
525 Davey Laboratory,
The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park PA 16802,