1998 Conference Proceedings |
C2.1/98 Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses 98 (ENAM 98)
Bellaire, Michigan, US, June 23-27, 1998
Title of Proceedings: ENAM 98 Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, AIP Conference Proceedings 455
Editor(s): B. Sherrill, D. Morrissey, and C. Davids
Publisher: American Institute of Physics
Price: 210 USD
Address for Orders: Springer-Verlag New York,
PO Box 2485,
Secaucus, NJ 07097
Springer-Verlag Berlin,
PO Box 311340,
D10643 Berlin,
Tel. 1 800 777 4643
C2.2/98 Conf on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements --- CPEM98
Washington DC, USA, July 6-10, 1998
Title of Proceedings: Special Issue on Selected Papers/cpem’98 Trans. Instrum. Meas. Vol. 48 (No. 2), pp. 1250-671 (1999)
Publisher: IEEE
C3.1/98 20th Int'l. Conf. on Statistical Physics
Paris, France, July 20-25, 1998
Title of Proceedings: Statistical Physics/Invited papers from STATPHYS 20, Physica A263, Nos. 1-4 (1999)
Editor(s): A. Gervois et al.
Publisher: North-Holland
Info: ISSN 0378-4371
C4.1/98 18th Int'l. Conf. on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics
Takayama, Japan, June 4-9, 1998
Title of Proceedings: Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl. 77 (1999)
Editor(s): Y. Suzuki and Y. Totsuka
Publisher: North-Holland
Info: ISBN 0-444-50289-0
C6.1/98 3rd Int'l. Conf. on Biological Physics
Santa Fe, New Mexico, US, Sep. 20-24, 1998
Title of Proceedings: AIP Conference Proceedings 487
Editor(s): H. Frauenfelder, G. Hummer, R. Garcia
Publisher: American Institute of Physics
C6.2/98 XIth International Congress on Photosynthesis
Budapest, Hungary, August 17-22, 1998
Title of Proceedings: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects (Ed. G. Garab) Kluwer Acad.
Editor: G. Garab
Publisher: Dordrecht/Boston/London
ISBN: 0-7923-5547-4
C7.1/98 Joint meeting of 16th Int'l. Congress on Acoustics and 135th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
Seattle, WA, US, June 20-26, 1998
Title of Proceedings: The Sound of the Future: A global view of acoustics in the 21st century
Editor(s): P. K. Kuhl and L. A. Crum
Publisher: American Institute of Physics
Price: 75 USD
Info: CD ROM also produced
Address for Orders: Acoustical Society of America,
500 Sunnyside Boulevard,
Woodbury NY 11797-2999
C8.1/98 24th Int'l. Conf. on Physics of Semiconductors
Jerusalem, ISRAEL, Aug. 2-7, 1998
Editor(s): D. Gershoni
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
Info: Available in book and CD.
ISBN 981-02-3613-1
C10.1/98 Third Int'l. Conf. on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter (EXCON 98)
Boston, MA, US, November 1-5, 1998
Title of Proceedings: EXCON '98: Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter (3rd International Symposium)
Editor(s): R. T. Williams and W. M. Yen
Publisher: The Electrochemical Society
Price: 89 USD (member)
107 USD (non-member)
Info: Library of Congress: ISBN 1-56677-219-2
Address for Orders: The Electrochemical Society,
10 South Main Street,
Pennington NJ 08534-2896,
C10.2/98 9th Int'l. Conf. on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter
Lancaster, UK, July 26-31, 1998
Title of Proceedings: Physica B 263-264 (1998)
Editor(s): M. Giltrow, A. Kozorezov, K. Wigmore
Publisher: North Holland/Elsevier
Price: 350 DFL
Info: ISSN 0921-4526
Address for Orders: Laura ter Haar,
Elsevier Science,
PO Box 103, 1000 AC Amsterdam,
Tel: 31 20 485 2594
Fax: 31 20 485 2580
C10.3/98 11th Int'l. Conf. on Hyperfine Interactions
Durban, SOUTH AFRICA, November 23-28, 1998
Title of Proceedings: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions, Hyperfine Interactions 120/121 (1999)
Editor(s): K. Bharuth-Ram, H. Edwards, K. Naidoo
Publisher: Baltzer Science Publishers
Price: Researchers from Third World countries: $20 (pkg. & postage)
Other researchers: $80 USD
Address for Orders: Mr. H. Edwards,
Physics Department,
University of Durban-Westville,
Private Bag X54001,
Durban 4000,
Email: hued@pixie.udw.ac.za
Fax: 27 31 2044795
C11.1/98 29th Int'l. Conf. on High Energy Physics
Vancouver, CANADA, July 23-29, 1998
Title of Proceedings: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on High Energy Physics
Editor(s): A. Astbury, D. Axen, J. Robinson
Publisher: World Scientific Publishers
Price: 192 USD
Info: ISBN 981-02-3772-3 (set)
Address for Orders: Suite 1B,
1060 Main Street,
River Edge NJ 07661,
C11.2/98 XVII Int'l. Conf. on High energy Accelerators
Dubna, RUSSIA, September 7-12, 1998
Title of Proceedings: Proceedings of the XVII International Conference on High Energy Accelerators
Editor(s): I. N. Meshkov
Publisher: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna
Price: 30 USD
Address for Orders: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,
Publishing Department,
Moscow Region,
RUSSIA 141980
C12.1/98 International Conference on Nuclear Physics 1998 -- INPC'98
Paris, France, August 24-29, 1998
Title of Proceedings: Interational Conference on Nuclear Physics 1998, INPC’98
Nuclear Physics A654 (1999) 1100 pages.
Editors: B. Frois, D. Goutte and D. Guillemaud-Mueller
C12.2/98 15th Int'l. Conf. on Cyclotrons and Their Applications
Caen, FRANCE, June 14, 1998
Title of Proceedings: Cyclotrons and Their Applications 1998
Editor(s): E. Baron and M. Lieuvin
Publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing
Price: ~300 FF
Info: ISBN 0-7503-0663-7
Address for Orders: IOP, Dirac House, Temple Back, Bristol BS1 6BE, ENGLAND
C12.3/98 Exotic Atoms, Molecules and Muon Catalyzed Fusion
Ascona, SWITZERLAND, July 19-24, 1998
Title of Proceedings: Exotic Atoms, Molecules and Muon Catalyzed Fusion
Editor(s): C. Petitjean, L. A. Schaller, V. Markushin, F. Mulhauser, L. Simons
Publisher: Baltzer Science Publishers
Price: 75 SF
Info: Also published in Hyperfine Interactions 118 & 119 (1999). ISSN 0304 3834
Address for Orders: Baltzer Science Publishers VB, Hooftlaan 51, 1401 EC Bussim, THE NETHERLANDS
C14.1/98 Hands-on Experiments in Physics Education
Duisburg, Germany, August 23-28, 1998
Title of Proceedings: Hands-on Experiments in Physics Education
Editors: G. Born, H. Harreis, H. Litschke, & N. Treitz
Publishers: ICPE/IUPAP, GIREP, University of Duisburg
Price: 35 DM
Address for Orders: Dr. Herbert Litschke,
Didaktik der Physik
University Duisburg,
Lotharstrasse 1,
D-47048 Duisburg, Germany
C14.2/98 Int’l Conference on New Technologies in Physics Education
Hefei, Peoples Republic of China, October 19-22, 1998
Title of Proceedings: International Conference on New Technologies in PhysicsEducation
Editors: J. Huo & S. Xiang
Publishers: Southeast University Press
Price: 15 USD
Address for Orders: Ms. Jianging Huo,
Department of Astronomy & Applied Physics,
University of Science & Technologies of China,
Hefie 230026 PR China
C15.1/98 Sixteenth International Conference on Atomic Physics, Atomic Physics 16
Ontario Canada, August 1998
Title of Proceedings: Atomic Physics 16- Sixteenth International Conference on Atomic Physics
Editor: William E. Baylis and Gordon W.F. Drake
Publisher: AIP
Address for Orders: AIP, Woodbury New York
C15.2/98 IX Int'l. Conf. on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions
Bensheim, GERMANY, September 13-18, 1998
Title of Proceedings: Proceedings of the IX International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, Physica Scripta T80A,B (1999)
Editor(s): P. H. Mokler, F. Bosch, Th. Stohlker, A. Wolf
Publisher: Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Price: 283 USD
Info: ISBN 91-87308-73-8
Address for Orders: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,
PO Box 168,
Abingdon, Oxford OX14 1GB,
e-mail: subscription@physica.org
C15.3/98 14th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes
University Park, PA, USA, June 22-26, 1998
Title of Proceedings: Spectral Line Shapes, Vol 10
Editor: Roger M. Herman
Publisher: American Institute of Physics, 1999
C16.1/98 Join Int'l. Conf. on Plasma Physics 1998 and 25 EPS Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics
Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC, June 29-July 7, 1998
Title of Proceedings: Invited papers from the 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 41, Supp. 3A (March 1999).
Contributed papers of 1998 Int'l. Congress on Plasma Physics: Europhysics Conference Abstracts, Vol. 22C.
Editor(s): EPS Conf.: J. Stockel, P. Sunka, M. Tendler, F. Zacek
1998 Int'l. Congress: P. Pavlo
Publisher: Invited papers: Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol
Contributed papers: European Physical Society
Price: Invited papers: Unknown
Contributed papers: ~50 (booklet with list of all contributions and CD ROM)
Info: Invited papers: ISSN 0741-3335
Contributed papers: The full texts of the contributed papers have been published in electronic version only and these texts are freely accessible on the server of IPP Prague: http://sco.ipp.cas.ca/tokamak/meetings/plasma98/main.htm
Address for Orders: Invited papers:
Dirac House,
Temple Back,
Bristol BS1 6BE,
Contributed papers:
Institute of Plasma Physics,
Za Slovankou 3,
PO Box 17,
182 21 Prague 8,
C17.1/98 XVI Int'l. Conf. on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics
Moscow, RUSSIA, June 29-July 3, 1998
Title of Proceedings: Published as SPIE Proceedings Vols. 3732-3736
Vol. 3732: ICONO `98: Laser Spectroscopy and Optical Diagnostics: Novel Trends and Applications in Laser Chemistry, Biophysics, and Biomedicine
Vol. 3733: ICONO'98: Nonlinear Optical Phenomena and Coherent Optics in Information Technologies
Vol. 3734: ICONO'98: Fundamental Aspects of Laser-Matter Interactions and New Nonlinear Optical Materials and Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures
Vol. 3735: ICONO'98: Ultrafast Phenomena and Interaction of Superstrong Laser Fields with Matter: Nonlinear Optics and High-Field Physics
Vol. 3736: ICONO `98: Quantum Optics, Interference Phenomena in Atomic Systems, and High-Precision Measurements
Editor(s): Vol. 3732: A. Yu. Chikishev, V. N. Zadkov, A. M. Zheltikov
Vol. 3733: S. S. Chesnokov, V. P. Kandidov, N. I. Koroteev
Vol. 3734: K. N. Drabovich, V. I. Emel'yanov, V. A. Makarov
Vol. 3735: M. V. Fedorov, V. M. Gordienko, V. V. Shuvalov, V. C. Taranukhin
Vol. 3736: A. A. Andreev, S. N. Bagayev, A. S. Chirkin, V. I. Denisov
Publisher: SPIE
Price: Non-member/Tech. group member/Member
Vol. 3732: $84/$73/$62
Vol. 3733: $103/$92/$77
Vol. 3734: $92/$83/$69
Vol. 3735: $84/$73/$62
Vol. 3736: $92/$83/$69
Info: ISBN
Vol. 3732: 0-8194-3206-7
Vol. 3733: 0-8194-3207-5
Vol. 3734: 0-8194-3208-3
Vol. 3735: 0-8194-3209-1
Vol. 3736: 0-8194-3210-5
Address for Orders: The International Society for Optical Engineering, PO Box 10, Bellingham WA 98227-0010, USA
C18.1/98 XXII Int'l. Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics
Hobart, AUSTRALIA, July 13-17, 1998
Title of Proceedings: GROUP 22
Editor(s): S. P. Corney, R. Delbourgo, and P. D. Jarvis
Publisher: International Press
Price: 18 USD + $12 postage
Info: Abstracts of contributions have been referred to but the full papers were subsequently not refereed.
Address for Orders: International Press,
96 Mount Auburn Street,
Cambridge, MA 02138,
C20.1/98 Int.'l Conf. on Computational Physics
Grenada, SPAIN, August 3-6, 1998
Title of Proceedings: Proceedings of the CCP 1998, Computer Physics Communications 121-122 (Sept.-Oct. 1999)
Editor(s): J. Marro, P. L. Garrido, and R. Toral
Publisher: North-Holland, Elsevier
Info: ISSN 0010-4655
Address for Orders: Elsevier Science,
PO Box 945,
New York NY, 10159-0945