2010 |
July 25 - 29, 2010
Manizales, Columbia |
Prof Andres Rosales-Rivera
Tel: +57 6 887 9300 ext. 50140
Fax: +57 6 887 9300 ext. 50140
Email: arosalesr@unal.edu.co
2009 |
July 26-31, 2009
Karlsruhe, Germany |
Prof. Dr. Hilbert v. Löhneysen
Physikalisches Institut
Universität Karlsruhe
Wolfgang Gaede Str. 1
D-76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 721 608 3450
Fax: +49 721 608 6103
2008 |
Ninth International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids |
April 27-30, 2008
Porto, Portugal |
David Schmool
Departamento de Física
Faculdade de Ciecias,Unicversidade do Porto
Rua Campo Alegre 687,4169 – 007
Tel: +351 22 04 02 337
Fax: +351 22 04 02 406
Email: dschmool@fc.up.pt
Website |
2007 |
Vlll Latin American Workshop on Magnetism, Magnetic Materials
and their Applications |
August 12-16, 2007
Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL |
Alberto Passos Guimarães
Tel: +55 21 2141-7183
Fax: +55 21 2141-7400
Email: apguima@cbpf.br
Website: www.law3m.org |
2006 |
C9.1 Int. Conf.
on Magnetism 2006 |
August 20-25, 2006
Kyoto, Japan |
K. Takanashi
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University 2-1-1 Katahira,
Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577
Tel: +81-22-215-2095
Fax: +81-22-215-2096
Website |
2005 |
C9.1 Seventh Latin American Workshop on Magnetism |
June 30-July 5, 2005
Renaca, Chile |
Eugenio Vogel
Universidad de la Frontera
Avenida Francisco Salazar 01145
Tel: +56 45 325 316
Fax: +56 45 325 323
Email: law3m@ufro.cl
Website |
2004 |
C9.1 International Workshop on Nanomagnetism |
November 15-19, 2004
Havana, Cuba
Conference Report |
2003 |
C9.1 Int Conf on Magnetism - ICM-2003 |
July 27-August 1, 2003
Rome, Italy |
Website |
C9.2 6th Latin American Workshop on Magnetism, Magnetic Materials and Their Applications - VI LAW3M |
April 7-11, 2003
Chihuahua, Mexico |
Conference Report |
2000 |
C9.1 Int'l. Conf. on Magnetism -- ICM 2000 |
August 6-11, 2000
Recife, Brazil |
C9.2 High Frustrated Magnetism 2000 |
June 18-22, 2000
Halliburton, ON Canada |
Website |
1997 |
C9.1 International Conference on Magnetism
ICM-97 |
July 27-August 1, 1997
Cairns, Australia |
Conference Proceedings |
1996 |
C9.1 7th International Conference on Ferrites (ICF7) |
September 3-6, 1996
Bordeaux, France |
Conference Proceedings |
C9.2 14th International Workshop on Rare-Earth Magnets and Their Applications and 9th International Symposium on Magnetic Anisotropy and Coercivity in Rare-Earth Transition Metal Alloys |
September 1-5, 1996
Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Conference Proceedings |
1995 |
C9.1 International Conference of Application of Mössbauer Effect (ICAME-95) |
September 10-16, 1995
Rimini, Italy |
Conference Proceedings |
C9.2 III Latin American Workshop on Magnetism, Magnetic Materials and Their Applications |
November 20-24, 1995
Merida, Venezuala |
Conference Proceedings |
1994 |
C9.1 International Conference on Magnetism |
August 22-26, 1994
Warsaw, Poland |
Conference Proceedings |