WG.4: Particle and Nuclear Astrophysics and Gravitation International Committee (PaNAGIC)
The committee was created by IUPAP in 1998 to support international exchange of ideas and help in the convergence of the international scientific community in the large scale activity in the emerging field of particle and nuclear astrophysics, gravitation and cosmology.
- Study of basic constituents of matter and their interactions by non-accelerator means.
- Study of the sources, acceleration mechanism and propagation of high energy particles in the Universe.
- Study of nuclear and particle properties and processes of astrophysical interest in the Universe.
- Study of gravity, including the detection and the astrophysical sources of gravitational waves.
The Committee has 17 members, selected primarily on the basis of intellectual leadership and representing the major components of the filed. One member is appointed by each of C4, C11, C12 and C19. One of the members acts as a link to AC2.
- Report to General Assembly: London, UK, November 2011
- Report to the IUPAP C&CC: Delhi, India November 2010
- Report to General Assembly: Cape Town, South Africa, October 2005
- Report to IUPAP: Commission 12 - Nuclear Physics October 2005
- Report from Mumbai, 15 October 2004
- Report to General Assembly: Berlin, Germany 2002
- Report of The High Energy Neutrino Astrophysics 2002
- Report of PANAGIC to IUPAP 2000
Chair: David Sinclair (2004 - ) | James Hough (2007 - ) [AC-2] |
Charles Baltay (2008 - ) | Stavros Katzanevas (2004 - )[C12] |
Leonid Bezrukov (2006 - ) | Paolo Lipari (2004 - ) [C4] |
Hensheng Cheng (2008- ) | Hitoshi Murayama (2008 - ) |
Eugenio Coccia (2006 - ) | Angela Olinto (2004 - ) |
Victoria Fonseca (2004 - ) | Bernard Sadoulet (2008 - ) |
Masa-Katzu Fujiimoto (2004 - ) | Christian Spiering (2008 - ) |
Rohini Godbole [C11] |
Past members:
Barry C. Barish (1998 - 2004) | Eckart Lorenz (1998 - 2004) |
Alessandro Bettini (1998 – 2006; | Karl Mannheim (2000 - 2003) |
Chair 1998 - 2005) | Victor Matveev (1998-2006) |
Johannes Blümer (2003 – 2008) | Arthur McDonald (1998 - 2004) |
Massimo Cerdonio (1998 – 2007) | John Peoples (1998 - 2004) |
Enrique Fernandez (2000 – 2008; | Martin Rees (1998 - 2000) |
Chair 2005-2008) | Steve Ritz (2004 – 2008) |
Joshua Frieman (2003 – 2008) | Bernard Sadoulet (1998 - 2000) |
Thomas Gaisser (1998 - 2004) | Michel Spiro (1998 - 2004) |
Isabelle Grenier (1998 - 2003) | Yoij Totsuka (1998 - 2003) |
Wick Haxton (1998 - 2004) | Alan Watson (1998 - 2003) |
Takaaki Kajita (2003 – 2008) | Michael Wiescher (2004 – 2008) |
A sub-panel will be appointed by PaNAGIC in a particular sub-field when this is considered to be useful in promoting convergence of large international projects. Two such sub-fields have already been identified:
- gravitational waves : Gravitational Wave International Committee (GWIC)
- very large neutrino observatories: High Energy Neutrino Astrophysics Panel (HENAP)