WG.2: Communication in Physics

This group has been reconstituted to consider the problems that are emerging in electron publishing. It particularly will consider internet availability/ reliability, linking between societies and publishers, availability of electronic communication in isolated areas, archiving, peer review, and intellectual property.

Charge to Working Group:

It is the primary mission of the working group to make a set of recommendations on important issues in the international aspects of physics communication, especially electronic publication, that are appropriate for IUPAP action.


Gene Sprouse (Chair)
Xavier Bouju
Enrique Canessa (ICTP)
Nicola Gulley
Li Lu 
Sergio M Rezende 
Ken-Iche Ueda (ILS Tokyo)
Rudiger Voss (CERN)


Report to the IUPAP Council and Commission Chairs: 2010
Second Report - October 2005
First Report - July 2001


 Long Term Archiving of Digital Documents in Physics


Peer Review – 13-14 October, 2011.
Scientific Misconduct and the Role of Physics Journals in its Investigation and Prevention - October 13-14, 2003