Resolution 12 - 27th General Assembly (2011)
IUPAP resolves to:
- To improve the effectiveness of girls’ education in physics, encourage the Commission on Physics Education (C14) to collaborate with the Working Group on Women in Physics to summarize guidelines for the training of physics educators at all levels with special attention to research-based and gender-aware teaching.
- Encourage the complete analysis of the Global Survey of Physicists and the wide dissemination through IUPAP Liaison Committees and physical societies of its results, and endorse collaborations between physicists and social scientists, to understand barriers to women’s participation and advancement and to shape interventions.
- Encourage its commissions and member countries to have a clear and transparent list of criteria for awards ensuring that women are nominated for prizes and that there are women on the selection committees for prizes and awards.
- Request a response from each IUPAP Liaison Committee to its country’s report in the Proceedings of the Fourth IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics, including the progress of women physicists within their country and the actions taken or proposed to improve the inclusion and advancement of women in the field. The reports should be submitted to the IUPAP Working Group on Women for analysis.
- Charge the IUPAP Working Group on Women in Physics (a) to make useful resources available globally through the Internet; (b) to analyse brief reports from country team leaders and IUPAP Liaison Committees regarding the status and progress for women in physics; (c) to organize the 5th International Conference on Women in Physics in 2014 and require IUPAP member countries to send a small delegation, and (d) to report at the 28th IUPAP General Assembly in 2014.