At its meetings in Rome the IUPAP Commission on Cosmic Rays decided to place information about the Commission on the world wide web. The Commission now has a home page at which, as well as information about the Commission, contains a page of links to other cosmic ray resources on the web. The pages are being maintained by Luke Drury who would appreciate comments from the community and suggestions for improving the service.
Luke O'C Drury <> Tel.
School of Cosmic Physics, Fax
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies,
5 Merrion
Square, Dublin 2, Ireland.
The fourth Latin American Conference on Space Geophysics (Spanish acronym COLAGE) took place in Tucuman, Argentina, 22-26 April, 1996. Organized by the Ionospheric Laboratory of University of Tucuman (UNT) and sponsored by the ICSU Scientific Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP), the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA), the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) and several Latin American and Argentine organizations, the meeting was attended by 189 participants from seven Latin American countries and 11 scientists from France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the USA. It comprised 25 invited reviews, 102 contributed poster papers and five general interest public lectures. During the conference, the newly established Latin American Association of Space Geophysics (ALAGE), held its first formal general assembly.
In general, all review topics and speakers were well chosen, addressing subjects of specific interest to the scientists of the region. Examples include: Space Weather and Ionospheric Variations (S. Radicella, Italy); Stratosphere Ozone Depletion (J. P. Pommereau, France); Cosmic Ray Modulation and Acceleration in the Heliosphere (H. Moraal, South Africa); Solar Coronal Dynamics and Flares Revealed by Yohkoh (T. Kosugi, Japan); The Solar Wind and the 3-D Heliosphere: Ulysses and SOHO (R. Schwenn, Germany), Sucvceses and Failures of the Solar Terrestrial Energy Program (J. Roederer, USA), The International Solar Terrestrial Physics Program (M. Acuna, USA).
The poster sessions elicited lively discussions. This method of presentation is now an accepted, even welcome, part of scientific meetings in Latin America. Examples of posters surrounded by a "cloud" of interested people were: Confinement Regions of Dust Grains in the Magnetospheres of Jupiter and Earth (D. Maravilla, Mexico); Extensive Air Shower Observations at Mt. Chacaltaya (N. Martinic et al., Bolivia); The Occurrence Rate of "El Nino" and its Relationship to Solar Activity (B. Mendoza and R. Perez-Enriquez, Mexico). By far, the largest number of papers dealt with ionospheric topics, in particular the dynamic properties of the equatorial upper atmosphere-- a clear demonstration that regional geophysical characteristics can become a fertile ground for frontier scientific research at the local level. Another remarkable achievement of this conference was the many new scientific links established between individual scientists and research groups, both within Latin America as well as with scientists from other countries.
The outreach effort evidenced through the public lectures was particularly noteworthy. They were delivered in Spanish, scheduled in the late afternoon to allow attendance of secondary school students, and without exception very well attended. The following lectures were given: Astronomy of the Andean Cultures: Enigma of the Tucuman Menhirs (O. Bravo, UNT); Cometary Showers and Impact Craters (A. Poveda, Mexico); Auroras: Science and Legend (J. Manzano, UNT); The Universe seen Through the Hubble Space Telescope (D. Macchetto, USA); and The Argentine Satellite Program (M. Machado, Argentina).
During the general assembly the first formal steering board was elected, it is formed by: President: J.F. Valdes-Galicia (UNAM, Mexico), VicePresident: Walter Gonzalez (INPE, Brazil), Information Secretary: V. Silbergleit (UBA, Argentina), Foregin Secretary: J.G. Roederer (Alaska, USA), and Treasurer: D. Maravilla (UNAM, Mexico).
The financial support from SCOSTEP, IAGA, ICTP and the other organizations was well invested, leading to the organization of an excellent scientific meeting in the Third World, at minimum cost. It is worth mentioning that as an exemplary contribution, the Brazilian Air Force made a plane available for the transportation of the sizable delegation from Brazil that included a number of graduate students.
We should look forward with great interest and high expectation to the next COLAGE to be held in 1998 in San Jose de Costa Rica.
J.F. Valdes-Galicia
President (1996-1998)
Latinoamericana de Geofisica Espacial (ALAGE)
The XVth ECRS (following the meeting in Geneva 1992 and Balaton 1994) will be held in PERPIGNAN from 26 to 30 August 1996.
The symposium will be organized in the University of Perpignan, in collaboration with other institutions, of CNRS, CEA and CNES working in the field of cosmic research.
Plenary sessions.
Posters, parallel sessions and workshops. A) Cosmic rays in the heliosphere. B) Astroparticle physics and cosmic rays in the Universe. C) Cosmic rays and high energy physics.
Modulation, structure of the heliosphere.
Satellite results (Ulysses,
Energetic particles in the magnetosphere.
Secular variations
and cosmogenic nuclides.
Gamma ray bursts.
Gamma ray astronomy and
Cerenkov Techniques.
Point sources (Crab, Cygnus...).
physics. Nucleus-nucleus collisions, QUIP.
EAS and gamma ray
families.lUltimate energies in C.R. spectrum (Auger, Mass).
neutrinos and underground experiments.
New experimental techniques.
Accommodation will be available in a wide range of hotels at walking distance; student hostel, is also proposed (about 300 FF for one week in single room).
The University, as well as the residence area, can be reached by town buses from station or from Perpignan-Rivesaltes airport.
Perpignan can be reached by rail from Paris, Geneva and Barcelona.
January, 1996
The primary cosmic ray energy spectrum is found to extend up to a few x 1020eV, well beyond the predicted 2.7K cutoff. In order to investigate this new energy region, new generation detectors of extremely high energy cosmic rays are now being designed and built.
This conference will review experimental results and the scientific rationale for studying this energy range. The design and development of detectors to study this energy range will be considered. Technical problems encountered in the study of extremely high energy cosmic rays using optical detection techniques and ground array techniques will be studied in some detail. Hybrid observation using both methods will be also discussed.
Symposium information will be available in April. Those who want to receive this information are requested to write to the secretariat listed below.
The symposium will be held from Wednesday, September 25 to Saturday, September 28, 1996 at the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, Tanashi, Tokyo.
This symposium will review experimental results and the scientific rationale for studying this energy range. The design and development of detectors to study this energy range will be considered. Technical problems encountered in the study of extremely high energy cosmic rays using optical detection techniques and ground array techniques will be studied in some detail. Hybrid observation using both methods will be also discussed.
The Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo, is about 1 hour by train from central Tokyo. The temperature at the end of September is about 20C and is usually moderate, but it is possible that it will still be hot. A one day excursion to the Akeno Observatory via lake side at the foot of Mt.Fuji is planned on Saturday.
I. Recent experimental results on extremely high energy cosmic rays
II. Astrophysical aspects of EHECR
III. Particle physics
aspects of EHCR
IV. Neutrinos and gamma-rays from astronomical objects
V-1. Overview of the HiRes, Telescope Array and Auger Projects
Simulation studies of these projects
V-3. R&D on measurement technique
for these projects
VI. New projects and new detection techniques for the
highest energies
VII. Summary talks
Sep. 28 Akeno Tour
Talks at the symposium are by invitation only and the program will be mailed in the third circular. Some contributed papers related to extremely high energy cosmic rays may be accepted as poster presentations. An abstract of about 300 words is required for these papers. The abstract must be received by the secretariat before June 30.
In order to register for the workshop, a registration and accomodation form attached to this circular must be returned to the secretariat by e-mail, fax or mail not later than 25 August, 1996. The registration fee is 8,000 yen, which covers the dinner party on Thursday evening and one copy of the symposium proceedings. A tour to the Akeno observatory will be arranged on September 28th. The fee is 2,000 yen for lunch. The third circular will be sent out around September 10 only to persons who return the registration form.
Accomodations for participants can be reserved to Hotel Prizo Tanashi (about 20min. Oll foot or 5 min by bus from the Institute). The workshop rate at this hotel is
Single: 6,600 yen/night ( +3% tax)
Twin: 11,800 yen/night for two
persons (+3% tax)
Tel. +81-424-69-1111.
To reserve a room, please fill out the accomodation booking form and send it to the secretariat not later than August 25, 1996. If you prefer another city hotel, please write to the secretary indicating your preference.
Reports presented at the symposium will be printed in the ICRR proceedings. Persons giving talks at the symposium are requested to give their manuscript to the symposium secretariat not later than November 30, 1996.
Citizens of certain nations are required to have a valid entrance visa for Japan. For detailed information, early consultation with local consulates of Japan is suggested in each country.
W.I.Axford( Katlenburg-Lindau), R.Clay(Adelaide), J.W.Cronin(
L.K.Ding(Beijing), T.K. Gaisser( Delaware),
E.C.Loh(Salt Lake City), A.Masaike(Kyoto),
.J.Nishimura(Kanagawa), H.Sato(Kyoto) and
M.Nagano(ICRR, Chairman), M.Teshima(ICRR, Secretary),
F.Kajino(Konan), M.Sasaki(ICRR), P.Sokolsky(Univ. of
F.Takahara(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Y.Totsuka(ICRR) and
Secretary of ICRR Symposium, Ms. R.Torii
Institute for Cosmic Ray
Research, University of Tokyo
3-2-1 Midoricho, Tanashi-shi, Tokyo, 188
Telephone: (+81) - 424- 69- 9592
FAX: (+81) - 424- 62-
The first circular for the Durban Conference has been distributed and the program is currently being developed. It will be possible to submit abstracts electronically but whether it will be possible to submit the papers themselves electronically has yet to be determined. The conference has a home page with links to a registration form (put your name on the mailing list), background material and a discussion of their logo shown here. The site may be reached by setting your browser to the URL
Publishing CosNews as a Web document greatly simplifies and streamlines the entire process except for one crucial aspect: obtaining the material to put in the newsletter. This must come from you, the international cosmic-ray community. If you have any news that you think others in the comunity would be interested in hearing please pass it on to me at the address listed at the beginning of this document. Upcoming meeting information (as listed here), book reviews or news of individuals in the community will be welcome. The only requirement is that meetings listed should be International meetings, open to anyone in the world of cosmic-ray research.