This Working Group was formed initially by a resolution of the IUPAP Council and Chairs in September 1998 and its charge was then broadened at the recent Council meeting last October. The Working Group will spawn and oversee committees that will act to:

  • promote international collaboration for planning, construction and exploitation of facilities for condensed matter. This will include the need for new sources and upgrades to existing sources, instrumentation requirements, availability access, and long range planning.
  • organize international meetings for exchange of information on future plans for regional facilities and the formulation of advice for joint studies and uses.
  • organize international workshops for the study of problems related to large facilities and to foster research and development on necessary technology.

The WGFCMP's first effort will be to appoint an International Committee on the Future of Neutron Sources. Its members will include members of IUPAP Commissions plus representatives of regional user groups, appropriate labs, developing countries, and other involved organizations. The plan, in the following year, is to set up a similar committee, the International Committee on the Future of Electromagnetic Radiation Sources, which would be concerned with synchrotron light sources, free electron lasers, etc. A third committee on medium-sized facilities might be set up during the third year.


Fritz Parak, Chair
Faculty for Physics E17
Technical University München
Garching 85747 Germany
H. Yasuoka, Vice Chair
Advanced Science Research Center
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai-Mura, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki-Ken 319-1195 Japan
K. Binder
Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz
Institute für Physik
Staudingerweg 7
Mainz D-55099 Germany
Henri Godfrin
BP 166
Grenoble Cedex 9
38042 France
M. Cardona
Max-Planck Instute für Festkörper-forschung
Heisenbergstr. 1
Stuttgart D-70569 Germany
J. L. Moráan Lopez
Instituto de Fisica, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi
Apdo Postal 629, San Luis Potosi, SLP
78000 Mexico
Martin Blume
American Physical Society
1 Research Road
Ridge, NY 11961
