
News Bulletin: November 1998

List of IUPAP Sponsored Conferences 1999

At the meeting of the Executive Council of IUPAP held in Vancouver BC, Canada, September 25-26, 1998, sponsorship by the Union was extended to international conferences to be held in 1999 as listed in this News Bulletin.

The upper limit of the registration fee for IUPAP sponsored conferences to be held in 1999 was set at CHF500 (including proceedings). A standing resolution of the Executive Council requires that the following standard declaration should be published by organizers in any circular or announcement, and in the proceedings of the conference:

"To secure IUPAP sponsorship, the organizers have provided assurance that (Conference name) will be conducted in accordance with IUPAP principles as stated in the ICSU Document "Universality of Science" (sixth edition, 1989) regarding the free circulation of scientists for international purposes. In particular, no bona fide scientist will be excluded from participation on the grounds of national origin, nationality, or political considerations unrelated to science."

Information regarding the sponsorship of conferences by IUPAP is available through the Secretariat or on the IUPAP Web site.

List of Conferences in 1999 Sponsored by IUPAP

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